Rabbit Remote Control 0.0.31
This is the complete list of members for CChannelIce, including all inherited members.
CChannel(QTcpSocket *pSocket, QObject *parent=nullptr) | CChannel | explicit |
CChannel(QObject *parent=nullptr) (defined in CChannel) | CChannel | explicitprotected |
CChannelIce(CIceSignal *pSignal, QObject *parent=nullptr) (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | explicit |
CChannelIce(QObject *parent=nullptr) (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | private |
close() (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | virtual |
CreateDataChannel(bool bDataChannel) (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | privatevirtual |
GenerateID(const QString &label=QString()) (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | private |
GetChannelId() (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | |
GetDetails() (defined in CChannel) | CChannel | virtual |
GetPeerUser() (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | |
GetUser() (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | |
InitTranslation() (defined in CChannel) | CChannel | static |
isSequential() const (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | protectedvirtual |
m_Config (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | private |
m_data (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | private |
m_dataChannel (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | private |
m_Log (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | private |
m_MutexData (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | private |
m_peerConnection (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | private |
m_pSignal (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | private |
m_pSocket (defined in CChannel) | CChannel | private |
m_szChannelId (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | private |
m_szPeerUser (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | private |
m_szUser (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | private |
open(const QString &user, const QString &peer, bool bChannelId) | CChannelIce | virtual |
open(const QString &fromUser, const QString &toUser, const QString &channelId, const QString &type, const QString &sdp) | CChannelIce | virtual |
CChannel::open(OpenMode mode) override | CChannel | virtual |
readData(char *data, qint64 maxlen) (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | protectedvirtual |
RemoveTranslation() (defined in CChannel) | CChannel | static |
SetConfigure(const rtc::Configuration &config) | CChannelIce | |
SetDataChannel(std::shared_ptr< rtc::DataChannel >) (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | privatevirtual |
SetSignal(CIceSignal *signal) (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | privatevirtual |
sigConnected() | CChannel | signal |
sigDisconnected() | CChannel | signal |
sigError(int nErr, const QString &szErr) | CChannel | signal |
slotError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError e) (defined in CChannel) | CChannel | privateslot |
slotSignalConnected() (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | privatevirtualslot |
slotSignalDisconnected() (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | privatevirtualslot |
slotSignalError(int error, const QString &szError) (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | privatevirtualslot |
slotSignalReceiverCandidate(const QString &fromUser, const QString &toUser, const QString &channelId, const QString &mid, const QString &sdp) (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | privatevirtualslot |
slotSignalReceiverDescription(const QString &fromUser, const QString &toUser, const QString &channelId, const QString &type, const QString &sdp) (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | privatevirtualslot |
writeData(const char *data, qint64 len) (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | protectedvirtual |
~CChannel() (defined in CChannel) | CChannel | virtual |
~CChannelIce() (defined in CChannelIce) | CChannelIce | virtual |