玉兔远程控制 0.0.31
类 | |
struct | ClientContext |
Public 槽 | |
virtual void | slotClipBoardChanged () override |
Public 槽 继承自 CConnectDesktop | |
virtual void | slotClipBoardChanged ()=0 |
当剪切板发生改变时调用 | |
virtual void | slotMousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event, QPoint pos) |
virtual void | slotMouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event, QPoint pos) |
virtual void | slotMouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event, QPoint pos) |
virtual void | slotWheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event, QPoint pos) |
virtual void | slotKeyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event) |
virtual void | slotKeyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *event) |
Public 槽 继承自 CConnect | |
virtual int | Connect () |
开始连接。根据 OnInit() 返回值来决定是否开始定时器来支持非 qt 事件 | |
virtual int | Disconnect () |
断开 | |
Public 成员函数 | |
CConnectFreeRDP (CConnecterFreeRDP *pConnecter) | |
Public 成员函数 继承自 CConnectDesktop | |
CConnectDesktop (CConnecter *pConnecter, bool bDirectConnection=true) | |
virtual bool | event (QEvent *event) override |
Public 成员函数 继承自 CConnect | |
CConnect (CConnecter *pConnecter) | |
静态 Public 成员函数 | |
static BOOL | cbGlobalInit () |
static void | cbGlobalUninit () |
static BOOL | cbClientNew (freerdp *instance, rdpContext *context) |
static void | cbClientFree (freerdp *instance, rdpContext *context) |
static int | cbClientStart (rdpContext *context) |
static int | cbClientStop (rdpContext *context) |
static BOOL | cb_pre_connect (freerdp *instance) |
Callback given to freerdp_connect() to process the pre-connect operations. | |
static BOOL | cb_post_connect (freerdp *instance) |
Callback given to freerdp_connect() to perform post-connection operations. | |
static void | cb_post_disconnect (freerdp *instance) |
static int | cb_logon_error_info (freerdp *instance, UINT32 data, UINT32 type) |
static void | OnChannelConnectedEventHandler (void *context, ChannelConnectedEventArgs *e) |
static void | OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler (void *context, ChannelDisconnectedEventArgs *e) |
static BOOL | cb_authenticate (freerdp *instance, char **username, char **password, char **domain) |
static BOOL | cb_GatewayAuthenticate (freerdp *instance, char **username, char **password, char **domain) |
static int | cb_verify_x509_certificate (freerdp *instance, const BYTE *data, size_t length, const char *hostname, UINT16 port, DWORD flags) |
Callback used if user interaction is required to accept a certificate. | |
static DWORD | cb_verify_certificate_ex (freerdp *instance, const char *host, UINT16 port, const char *common_name, const char *subject, const char *issuer, const char *fingerprint, DWORD flags) |
Callback set in the rdp_freerdp structure, and used to make a certificate validation when the connection requires it. | |
static DWORD | cb_verify_changed_certificate_ex (freerdp *instance, const char *host, UINT16 port, const char *common_name, const char *subject, const char *issuer, const char *fingerprint, const char *old_subject, const char *old_issuer, const char *old_fingerprint, DWORD flags) |
Callback set in the rdp_freerdp structure, and used to make a certificate validation when a stored certificate does not match the remote counterpart. | |
static BOOL | cb_present_gateway_message (freerdp *instance, UINT32 type, BOOL isDisplayMandatory, BOOL isConsentMandatory, size_t length, const WCHAR *message) |
static BOOL | cb_begin_paint (rdpContext *context) |
static BOOL | cb_end_paint (rdpContext *context) |
static BOOL | cb_desktop_resize (rdpContext *context) |
static BOOL | cb_play_bell_sound (rdpContext *context, const PLAY_SOUND_UPDATE *play_sound) |
static BOOL | cb_keyboard_set_indicators (rdpContext *context, UINT16 led_flags) |
static BOOL | cb_keyboard_set_ime_status (rdpContext *context, UINT16 imeId, UINT32 imeState, UINT32 imeConvMode) |
static UINT32 | GetImageFormat (QImage::Format format) |
static const char * | GetTitle (freerdp *instance) |
Protected 成员函数 | |
virtual void | mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override |
virtual void | mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override |
virtual void | mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override |
virtual void | wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event) override |
virtual void | keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event) override |
virtual void | keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *event) override |
virtual int | WakeUp () override |
唤醒连接线程(后台线程) | |
Private 槽 | |
void | slotConnectProxyServer (QString szHost, quint16 nPort) |
Private 成员函数 | |
UINT32 | GetImageFormat () |
BOOL | CreateImage (rdpContext *context) |
BOOL | UpdateBuffer (INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 w, INT32 h) |
int | RedirectionSound () |
int | RedirectionMicrophone () |
int | RedirectionDriver () |
int | RedirectionPrinter () |
int | RedirectionSerial () |
bool | SendMouseEvent (UINT16 flags, QPoint pos, bool isExtended) |
virtual OnInitReturnValue | OnInit () override |
具体的插件实现连接初始化 | |
virtual int | OnClean () override |
清理 | |
virtual int | OnProcess () override |
插件连接的具体操作处理。因为此插件是非Qt事件,所以在此函数中等待。 | |
Private 属性 | |
ClientContext * | m_pContext |
CParameterFreeRDP * | m_pParameter |
RDP_CLIENT_ENTRY_POINTS | m_ClientEntryPoints |
QImage | m_Image |
CClipboardFreeRDP | m_ClipBoard |
CCursorFreeRDP | m_Cursor |
HANDLE | m_writeEvent |
友元 | |
class | CCursorFreeRDP |
额外继承的成员函数 | |
信号 继承自 CConnectDesktop | |
void | sigSetDesktopSize (int width, int height) |
void | sigServerName (const QString &szName) |
void | sigUpdateRect (const QRect &r, const QImage &image) |
通知视图,图像更新 | |
void | sigUpdateRect (const QImage &image) |
Notify the CFrmView update image | |
void | sigUpdateCursor (const QCursor &cursor) |
void | sigUpdateCursorPosition (const QPoint &pos) |
void | sigUpdateLedState (unsigned int state) |
void | sigSetClipboard (QMimeData *data) |
信号 继承自 CConnect | |
void | sigConnected () |
当插件连接成功后触发。仅由插件触发 | |
void | sigDisconnect () |
通知用户断开连接。仅由插件触发。 当从插件中需要要断开连接时触发。例如:对端断开连接、重置连接或者连接出错。 | |
void | sigDisconnected () |
断开连接成功信号。仅由插件触发 | |
void | sigError (const int nError, const QString &szError=QString()) |
当有错误产生时触发 | |
void | sigInformation (const QString &szInfo) |
从后台线程中触发在主线程中显示信息,不阻塞后台线程 | |
void | sigShowMessageBox (const QString &szTitle, const QString &szMessage, const QMessageBox::Icon &icon=QMessageBox::Information) |
从后台线程中触发在主线程中显示消息对话框(QMessageBox),不阻塞后台线程 | |
void | sigBlockShowMessageBox (const QString &szTitle, const QString &szMessage, QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons, QMessageBox::StandardButton &nRet, bool &checkBox, QString checkBoxContext=QString()) |
阻塞后台线程,并在前台线程中显示消息对话框(QMessageBox) | |
void | sigBlockInputDialog (const QString &szTitle, const QString &szLable, const QString &szMessage, QString &szText) |
阻塞后台线程,并在前台线程中显示输入对话框 (QInputDialog) | |
void | sigBlockShowWidget (const QString &className, int &nRet, void *pContext) |
阻塞后台线程,并在前台线程中显示窗口。 | |
Protected 类型 继承自 CConnect | |
enum class | OnInitReturnValue { Fail = -1 , Success = 0 , UseOnProcess = Success , NotUseOnProcess = 1 } |
Protected 槽 继承自 CConnect | |
virtual void | slotTimeOut () |
一个非 Qt 事件处理,它调用 OnProcess(),并根据其返回值开始新的定时器。 如果 CConnect 没有一个非 Qt 事件循环(就是普通的循环处理), 可以重载它,或者 OnInit() 返回值大于 0 | |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.h 第 17 行定义.
overridevirtual |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 65 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1154 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1470 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1569 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1505 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1185 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1635 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1614 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 828 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1591 行定义.
static |
Callback given to freerdp_connect() to perform post-connection operations.
It will be called only if the connection was initialized properly, and will continue the initialization based on the newly created connection.
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 755 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 811 行定义.
static |
Callback given to freerdp_connect() to process the pre-connect operations.
It will fill the rdp_freerdp structure (instance) with the appropriate options to use for the connection.
instance | - pointer to the rdp_freerdp structure that contains the connection's parameters, and will be filled with the appropriate information. |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 591 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1420 行定义.
static |
Callback set in the rdp_freerdp structure, and used to make a certificate validation when the connection requires it.
This function will actually be called by tls_verify_certificate().
instance | pointer to the rdp_freerdp structure that contains the connection settings |
host | The host currently connecting to |
port | The port currently connecting to |
common_name | The common name of the certificate, should match host or an alias of it |
subject | The subject of the certificate |
issuer | The certificate issuer name |
fingerprint | The fingerprint of the certificate |
flags | See VERIFY_CERT_FLAG_* for possible values. |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1251 行定义.
static |
Callback set in the rdp_freerdp structure, and used to make a certificate validation when a stored certificate does not match the remote counterpart.
This function will actually be called by tls_verify_certificate().
instance | pointer to the rdp_freerdp structure that contains the connection settings |
host | The host currently connecting to |
port | The port currently connecting to |
common_name | The common name of the certificate, should match host or an alias of it |
subject | The subject of the certificate |
issuer | The certificate issuer name |
fingerprint | The fingerprint of the certificate |
old_subject | The subject of the previous certificate |
old_issuer | The previous certificate issuer name |
old_fingerprint | The fingerprint of the previous certificate |
flags | See VERIFY_CERT_FLAG_* for possible values. |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1348 行定义.
static |
Callback used if user interaction is required to accept a certificate.
instance | Pointer to the freerdp instance. |
data | Pointer to certificate data (full chain) in PEM format. |
length | The length of the certificate data. |
hostname | The hostname connecting to. |
port | The port connecting to. |
flags | Flags of type VERIFY_CERT_FLAG* |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1216 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 448 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 423 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 453 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 557 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 412 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 418 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 941 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 936 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 915 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 713 行定义.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
重载 CConnectDesktop .
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1802 行定义.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
重载 CConnectDesktop .
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1819 行定义.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
重载 CConnectDesktop .
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1719 行定义.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
重载 CConnectDesktop .
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1728 行定义.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
重载 CConnectDesktop .
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1765 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 843 行定义.
static |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 882 行定义.
overrideprivatevirtual |
overrideprivatevirtual |
实现了 CConnect.
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 76 行定义.
overrideprivatevirtual |
重载 CConnect .
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 306 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1947 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1902 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1979 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 2013 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1835 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1656 行定义.
overridevirtualslot |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 404 行定义.
privateslot |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 2053 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1488 行定义.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
重载 CConnectDesktop .
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.cpp 第 1676 行定义.
friend |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.h 第 169 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.h 第 163 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.h 第 167 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.h 第 168 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.h 第 165 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.h 第 160 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.h 第 161 行定义.
private |
在文件 ConnectFreeRDP.h 第 171 行定义.